Self-portrait v.s. Selfie

A selfie is a photo taken of yourself by yourself, a majority of the time it is taken on a smart phone. A self portrait is a photo taken of yourself by yourself primarily taken on a camera. I think technically a self portrait and a selfie are the same thing but concept wise they are different. The way you take both of them is the same but selfies are more carefree and mindless and about capturing a moment or a memory. A self portrait is more planned out and has more effort put into it and is about portraying a feeling or showing what you want the viewer to see in the photo. I prefer selfies because i'm a teenage girl and I take them all the time and they can come out really cute or really funny. I dont think one is more important than the other, it just depends on the person, if you have no reason to take self portraits I assume you're not gonna take them and the same goes for selfies.


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